
Tortoreto lies in the center of unspoiled nature where the Gran Sasso behind it and the Adriatic Sea in front of it frame it. Arranged like an amphitheater facing the sea, our vineyards are affected by a climate that manages to balance the sea breeze and the cold currents of the Gran Sasso. The surrounding hills shelter our vineyards from the currents and the different temperature range between day and night make the grapes ripen slowly, respecting their natural rhythms.The soils, for the most part mineral and clay, are usefull as they allow the roots to go deep and infuse a mineral component to our wines.
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Terraviva has 22 hectares of vineyards extended in one block, arranged in a solar arch overlooking the sea. We vinify exclusively organic grapes produced by our own vineyards to fully express the satisfaction of bottling the fruit of our work.

The attention to details paid to every single moment of the production process give our wines an extraordinary level of quality. For this reason we have decided to vinify every single vineyard plot by its own, to maintain the uniqueness of each micro terroir.

LOur idea is to represent the terroir we come from through our wines, that’s why we work only with our native grapes:Trebbiano, Pecorino, Passerina and Montepulciano.

The old plants are cultivated through the pergola system that helps the bunches to protect themselves from the sun.The younger plants, on the other hand, are cultivated with the guyot system.

Terraviva has been certified organic since 1998, which is why chemicals have never been used in our land, the main idea is that our soils are fertile and alive and maintain the biodiversity also given by the forest and the lake that we have in our land. Since 2020, however, we have approached the biodynamic agriculture, passionate about the concept that agriculture is in tune with nature, people and the earth. Given the biological activities, the soils are vital, the plants grow naturally and are nourished by the ecosystem and the soil.

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